A business domain is much like your physical street address. Customers find you because they know what your street address is, and on the web they find you because your address specifies your business. Your web address can be as weird, strange or interesting as you want it so long as it identifies your industry, is easy to type and identify. However, if users don?t know what to look for or look for you under a certain term, only to find the company isn?t really you, well you could lose out on possible income. To help you find the right domain real estate, we?ve listed a few tips to help you make the right selection.
1. Choose a dot-com
There are several different domain options. Domain websites offer dot-us, dot-org, dot-info and more, but the truth is, nothing beats a dot-com. People are just used to typing in that ?.com? extention.(3)
2. Come up with 5 Top Keywords
Keywords in your domain name influence how fast your website lists on the search engines. When your name relates to your industry then any content you post has a better chance of listing on a first page index listing. So you should think of five keywords that relate to your industry, Once you have the list you can add prefixes, suffices or look for creative word combinations. (1)
3. Choose According to Branding and Rankability Potential
When choosing your domain name be sure to choose a website whose name is easily recognizable as this creates brandability. However, you also want a domain name that?s easier to rank than others, and the only way to find this is to analyze the number of times the keywords in the possible domain are searched for compared to the number of competitors you have for that keyword. (2)
4.? Be Original
Always choose a domain name that is your own. You want to create your own branding and not ride on someone else?s branding. So stay away from plural, hyphenated and other variations of already famous domain names. (1)
5. Make it Short and Sweet
Users can easily remember domain names that are short, easy to type and to remember. Long domain names leave more room for confusion. You don?t want to have a company name that can?t be remembered. (1)
6. Make it Intuitive
Your domain name should be self explanatory upon seeing it. All a user should need to do is look at it and identify what the business is about. (3)
Now that you know the rules in choosing a domain name, as in all things you can break them.
Jack Harding is a URL marketing consultant. He enjoys sharing his marketing insights on various business and upstart blogs. Visit Wish.co.uk to see how they market to their audience.
1 ? http://www.seomoz.org/blog/how-to-choose-the-right-domain-name
2 - http://www.seobook.com/how-choose-great-domain-names
3 ? http://technology.inc.com/2007/07/01/10-tips-for-choosing-a-domain-name/
4 ? http://www.londonlovesbusiness.com/weird-businesses-that-shouldve-titanicked-in-the-recession/3871.article
Source: http://realtrends.com/blog/online-real-estate-how-to-choose-a-domain-name
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