Saturday, May 19, 2012

Most Internet Marketers Working Harder But Not Earning Enough

There ?r? prob?bl? many reasons y?u'r? n?t earning profits, but I bet I know a key reason that might b? keeping y?u down.

Many people ??y th?? letter ?ert??nly opened th?ir eyes.

Does watching th? s?m? group of markers raking ?n wagon-fulls ?f cash make you want to give-up ?nd throw ??ur computer ?ut the window? Frustrating, isn't it? But d?n't give u? yet!

I want t? share ? f?w things that m?y blow y?ur mind with excitement, how?ver m?n? things ?ould make blood squirt fr?m ?our eye balls.

It ?eem? millions ?f people all ov?r th? world h?v? ? desire to earn a living by simply clicking ? few buttons ?n their computer. As PT Barnum ?nc? said, "There's ? sucker born ever? minute" ?nd thus an uninformed public i? susceptible to deceit ?nd trickery. In other words... buyer beware.

I'm th? true definition ?f a "renegade". I broke ?ut fr?m th? "cult" of Guru groupies ?nd I'm telling y?u how ?t r??lly is. It's about time y?u knew. "The Ugly Truth"

There is on? parti?ul?r fact that is painfully TRUE......You've b??n conned, scammed ?nd screwed by nearl? ?ll the Internet Marketing coaching Gurus on the planet (or I call most of them HOGS!).

Let m? ask ??u a question. Have ?ny of the?? fancy rich HOGS made you wealthy yet? I hope so, but I sincerely doubt it!

Listen up! I research lots ?f marketing online forums ?nd I travel ?ll ?v?r th? country. I meet hundreds ?f people at Internet Marketing seminars. The point i? this; I hav? ??t t? meet ? single person wh? h?s created any great wealth b? ordering ju?t "one" cour?e ?r by using most ?f th? Guru's products or b? attending ?n Internet Marketing seminar.

Oh sure, s?m? people m?y say, "He's great, I got "some" content fr?m him." Others might say, "He's ?? funny, he can r??lly tell a good joke." But that's ?bout it. I've nev?r met ?n??ne wh? ?aid a ??rticular Guru ?r ?ny pack ?f Gurus made h?m rich r??lly quick!

Yes, I call it l?k? I ??e it be??us? I w?nt you t? know I'm real, ?u?t lik? you.

And I mu?t warn y?u - this stuff ?s going t? upset a lot ?f people. It's go?ng t? make ?ther? downright angry...But th? only thing that'? f?r ?ur? is that what I'm ab?ut to reveal w?ll change the Internet Marketing community FOREVER.

If ??u ??uld spy ?n th? Gurus ?nd discover their secret marketing tricks th?t w?uld h?lp you and y?ur friends excel faster and easier - would you d? it? Well, that's ex?ctl? h?w th?? whole thing started and I h?ven't stopped. I don't re?lly se? an? end t? ?ll th? "real" secrets I will b? collecting f?r myself ?nd my friends. My spy-work r??lly works f?r ?ll the r?ght reasons.

If y?u w?nt to g?t t? the end of th? Internet Marketing maze ?nd find th?t treasure chest? You'll ne?d ?n experienced guide wh? knows how t? g?t YOU there.

This ?s ?ll YOU ne?d to make money online: It's simple, right?
*Get ? domain ?nd ? host.
*Choose ? product.
*Drive traffic to y?ur link or website.
*Collect the money.

If it'? th?s easy, then wh? d? y?u suppose thousands u?on thousands of people combined spend MILLIONS OF DOLLARS ?n Internet Marketing e-books, courses and seminars but almo?t n?ver earn ? penny?

Second, w?uld ?ou agree th? mor? y?u kn?w ?b?ut your business ?r industry - th? m?r? money ??u w?ll earn? This i? common sense and I'm thinking ??u will agree the answer is an astounding YES. This letter ?s meant to open ?our eyes.

According To A Recent Business Survey - A Whopping 91% of Marketers Who Tried To Earn Money Online Last Year DID NOT Earn A Penny! Why?
Here's Some Popular Reasons:

#1 Procrastination
#2 Lack of Online Marketing Knowledge or simple tech knowledge.
#3 Became confused with overload of Internet Marketing information.
#4 Received Wrong ?r Out-Dated Marketing Info.
#5 Never learned ex?ctly what t? do to earn ? profit.
#6 Lack support/consistent up-dated knowledge fr?m trusted marketing friends.
#7 Quit and w?nt broke due t? high cost ?f IM educational products.

There ?re many reasons for n?t succeeding. Obviously you want more freedom and y?u want to live an honest life ??u enjoy, right? If y?u're lik? me, ?ou w?nt to have fun whil? ?ou'r? making money too, right? You want to feel good ?bout ?our business. I want you to discover true broke-busting strategies. You can go from zer? t? hero wh?n y?u learn th? r?ght stuff. My private inn?r circle of friends g?t real-life strategies th?t work.

I bet ?ou'r? als? sick and tired of ?ll the Bull Crap ?nd big money hype you read and hear fr?m ?om? of tho?e Internet Marketing Gurus. Frustration ??n ??u?e fear ?nd fear c?u??? lack ?f hope.

Beware: Most people ?re conned b? the v?ry sam? people the? trust ?nd "like".Don't b? fooled anymore! They apparently want ?ou to th?nk th? Internet ?? highly complicated b?cau?? it evidently justifies th??r high priced e-books, outrageously high priced courses, e-books ?nd outrageously high priced seminars!

Step-by-step process the Gurus teach over and ov?r ?nd over.

1. Find ? product ?r service to sell. Either promote oth?r products ?r create your own.

2. Get a domain - Build ? 4-5 page website or hire s?me?ne to do it. Link merchant account.

3. Create 'good' copy ?nd all th? converting elements t? th? website. Turn visitors t? buyers.

4. Get ? host. Advertise ?r promote your website t? potential buyers.

5. Track your promotions. Collect y?ur money and deposit it into ??ur bank account.

Now, th?s d?esn't sound very difficult d?e? it? Well, it reall? ?s th?? simple. All the expensive Internet Marketing e-books, courses and seminars m?stly provide information ??n??rning one ?r m?re topics surrounding th? ab?v? components ?n some form or another.

10 Key Ingredients Successful People Have In Common:

1. Associate with th?se who believe ?n you and ?our ideas.

2. Find the r?ght mentor(s).

3. Associate with tho?? wh? kn?w more th?n ?ou in y?ur field of interest.

4. Stay consistent ?nd persistent unt?l y?ur goals ?re achieved.

5. Refrain from over-indulging ?n mind altering chemicals.

6. Find a daily exercise ?ou enjoy doing.

7. Take care of ?our health b? eating r?ght ?nd take daily nutrients.

8. Laugh ev?r? day. Count at least 5 daily blessings at th? end of ???h day.

9. Read and learn ?ometh?ng n?w ?bout ?our business ?very day.

10. Read or listen to ?ometh?ng inspirational or motivational ev?ry day.

What type of power-group d? beginners or frustrated struggling Internet Marketers use?
Bad News! Most struggling Internet Marketers DO NOT hav? a power group. Some marketers join l?ttl? marketing clubs; th?? take ? chance ?nd purchase e-books ?nd th?? visit marketing forums, etc. Bottom line i? this: Most marketers stumble ?r?und ?nd d? th? b??t th?? can.

Fact: You will succeed faster ?nd easier wh?n ??u associate w?th tho?? with like-minds wh?m share th? ??m? ideals and mindset.

The BIG Myth! "Internet Marketing is Easy and You c?n Master ?t ALL in ONE day!"
First ?f all that'? ? BIG lie! Good news - it's not ?? tough ?? ?ou might think.

I h?ve no w?y of knowing ?our level ?f Internet Marketing experience. So, I try not to u?e advanced marketing terms. I try to k?ep it simple. Internet Marketing is a completely d?fferent "flavor" th?n real world marketing.

When "Joe" establishes hi? hardware store in the strip mall n??r ?our house, th?n he u?u?ll? utilizes a diff?rent set of marketing ?nd advertising principles. An online business succeeds b? utilizing Internet Marketing tactics ?nd strategies. With th?t said; Some online businesses ??n ?till us? real world marketing ?n order t? attract prospects and some real world businesses are ?ls? utilizing th? internet t? attract local prospects.

"Joe" ?an al?o utilize Internet Marketing to promote h?s neighborhood hardware store if he knew a few ?f the secrets.

There ?r? man? aspects ?f Internet Marketing. There ?r? a variety of methods that can b? utilized to h?l? direct prospects to a website. You w?ll not b?com? proficient ?t u?ing ?n? of th?m overnight. Don't l?t ?n??n? fool you.

Let's ?a? it takes 10 "focused" hours t? get proficient ?t ?n? on? method. If th?re ?r? 12 methods, th?n it may require 120 focused hours ?f practice. Most Internet Marketing ?? u?uall? don? ev?ry day ?r at l??st a f?w times p?r week. Either ?ou mu?t perform most ?f th? traffic methods ??urs?lf ?r hire it done ?nce ??u ?an afford it. It sounds harder th?n what it is... d?n't worry ?b?ut it. It w?ll all becom? crystal clear ver? soon.

Good News: In m? opinion, you may n?t get rich over- night, but th? INTERNET i? st?ll the b??t wa? to earn profits and the be?t wa? t? be??m? financially independent. If you'r? g?ing t? spend time learning Internet Marketing, then it's imperative ??u learn th? correct updated methods a? t? not waste ??ur time and money.

The faster you learn th? strategies th? faster ?ou earn ? decent income. Thousands of people ?r? floundering f?r many reasons w?th th?ir home-based Internet businesses - one big reason ?s the? simply d?n't kn?w what t? do or how t? do it ?nd m?ny times they u?e bad advice. My private ?nner circle receives th? best sources.

Are You Allowing The Gurus To Steal Money From You....Want t? beat the gurus ?t the?r ?wn game?

As an affiliate marketer, ??u m?y or ma? n?t realize th?t wh?le y?u ?re earning commissions fr?m selling ?ert?in products, th? gurus who's product you promote ar? also earning profits. You ?re sending traffic t? th??r websites, right? What ??u pr?babl? are not aware ?s this; You're a?tually assisting th? gurus' build their prospect list and their buyers list!

You ar? actu?lly finding prime prospects and customers ?nd handing them over, and the gurus ar? selling t? th?m ag?in and aga?n (sale aft?r sale), long ?ft?r y?u're forgotten and moved on. If you know how, ?ou c?n earn commissions plu? help build ??ur own business at th? ?am? time. Stop allowing the HOGS t? steal money fr?m you.

But wh?t if YOU ??uld turn the tables and kee? all tho?e repeat sales yourself?

There is ? n?w secret technique I h?v? never ???n us?d befor? that do?? ?xactl? that f?r's brilliant and NO affiliate marketer ?hould be with?ut it. My private inner circle knows th?s secret. I w?nt you t? know ?t too.

Listen up. The FIX is in! A Guru secret ?ou d?dn't kn?w existed.

Naturally, mo?t ?f th? big product launch Gurus ?re in total communication with ??ch oth?r ?nd usu?lly schedule th?ir product launches on dates that won't overlap their buddy's product launch. Some of th??e guys ?r? part of a private "buddy" club that dominates ? large part ?f th? Internet Marketing community.

They ?re ver? careful ?bout scheduling product launches ?? NOT to step ?n ???h other's toes. Then in betw??n their product launches th?y promote ?ther company products for big commissions.

It's beneficial because they c?n promote th?ir product plus promote each other's product u?ing th?ir ?wn list; thu? suck ?ven more money from th? flock. Make sense? They systematically suck ?s much cash from th? FLOCK ?s humanly ?os??ble ?nd on ? consistent basis. Are ??u mad yet?

All of th?se marketing campaigns ?r? not random events - it's ?ll carefully planned ?nd choreographed ?s much ?? possible.

Flock = desperate "unsuspecting" Internet Marketing Dreamers.

If y?u've not been living in a cave, then you've obv??usly noticed what the "Gurus" ?nd the?r followers ?r? calling ?uch events; PRODUCT LAUNCHES, right? This method th? Gurus (Hogs) u?? ?? r?ally not a n?w trick - ?t'? b??n ?round f?r years in ?ther aspects ?f business.

This ?? how ?t works. An alliance ?f ?everal "Gurus" ?re formed - ?ll w?th massive lists. These massive lists w?ll hold millions ?f ?eri?us buyers ?f Internet Marketing products. In ??rt??n circles this w?uld be called an industry MONOPOLY - ?nd it ??uld b? deemed ?? unfair, unethical ?nd possibly illegal.

Does th? term "Birds of feather flock together" sound familiar?

Ever wonder why most ?f th? large launch products (courses) are priced the same? Usually ?b?ut $1,997. Could thi? be price fixing? hmmmm... let'? not th?nk evil thoughts here. (smile) Magical, huh? Coincidental?

No matter what y?u think... it is qu?t? ingenious, don't ??u think?

Again, th?r? ?s noth?ng wrong with earning profits, but when ?s ?n?ugh - enough? The flock b?c?mes nothing but useful paying idiots to th? Gurus. Sure, th? Gurus say they ?pprec?at? the?r "sheep-like" customers - but do the? really? I me?n d?es "he" r?ally care ?f ??u build ? multi-million dollar business l?k? his? hmmmm... I think not.

I d?n't hav? th? power t? stop th? gravy train f?r the HOGS - and I wouldn't want to, but I ?an at l???t warn people b?f?r? th?y fall prey to the?r traps. Most ?f thes? HOGS quickly gouge unsuspecting prospects becaus? they d? not kn?w how long the people (sheep) w?ll buy into th??r Bull Crap.

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